by Michael Berick, L.A. Parent
Doctor Noize teams up with The Mayor of Grammaropolis to say a few words about grammar on this 21-track disc. Concrete nouns, action verbs, interjections and conjunctions — the Doc and the Mayor hit on all of these grammar points (and more!) in this impressive set of engaging tunes.
Coert Voorhees (aka The Mayor) is an educator, and Cory Cullinan (aka Doctor Noize), who plays nearly every instrument here, is just as amusing a musical storyteller as he is on his Phineas McBoof CDs.
The songs are so lyrically rich you’ll want to listen to them several times to pick up everything that is going on. Lyrics are available on the Grammaropolis website, which has a subscription component and includes games, an interactive curriculum, books, quizzes, videos and an upcoming app.